Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day 3 - Storms and Harmony Dance

Woke up to rainrianrain on Tuesday, and being blamed by half the language school for bringing it with us from England!

We had our first lot of lessons, with all the Bristolians - me, Nick and Hannah - and Michael, being placed in the A2 class. Due to the fact we'd taken a test to place us we assumed we'd be in a class similar to the standard we were. However we spent the whole morning learning how to introduce ourselves and say where we were from.. something I've been able to do since October! This didn't exactly put us in the best of spirits, so we all vowed to ask to change classes as soon as possible the next day.

Next up on the to-do list was get internet. We rocked up to the meeting a little bit late due to our smaž (you'll find out what that is in due course) fest, pretty soaked from the rain outside, only to find that we needed our laptops. Cue running back to the kolej (dorms) and wrapping our laptops up in as many layers as possible before legging it back to the castle again. The man then played around with our laptops for a bit and kindly informed us that the storm had taken out the internet and we probably wouldn't have it until Monday - great!

Returning to the dorms feeling very sorry for ourselves, Hannah, Nic, and I decided to go to Zumba, mostly to work off the extortionate amounts of smaž we'd been eating. However on arrival at the gym (aka the basement) we discovered that Zumba wasn't on, and in place of it was a mysterious sounding class called Harmony Dance. Sounding very ominous but fun we decided to give it a go anyway. Bad mistake. It was possibly the weirdest hour of my life, with some nice tribal music blasting out and swaying and moving our arms around A LOT. Very amusing but shan't be going again! Everyone there seemed like little keenies though, knowing all the weird moves and things! You might find a video on Youtube if you are fascinated, but to get the real experience, find a local class in a kolej near you ;).

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